Pounds to kilograms (lb to kg) Converter |
This Calculator provides online conversion of pounds to kilograms (lb to kg ).
Conversion Table
to kilograms (lb to kg) Conversion Chart |
Pounds = kilograms
1.0 = 0.454
2.0 = 0.907
3.0 = 1.361
4.0 = 1.814
5.0 = 2.268
6.0 = 2.722
7.0 = 3.175
8.0 = 3.629
9.0 = 4.082
10.0 = 4.536
11.0 = 4.990
12.0 = 5.443
13.0 = 5.897
14.0 = 6.350
= kg
15.0 = 6.804
16.0 = 7.257
17.0 = 7.711
18.0 = 8.165
19.0 = 8.618
20.0 = 9.072
30.0 = 13.608
40.0 = 18.144
50.0 = 22.680
60.0 = 27.216
70.0 = 31.751
80.0 = 36.287
90.0 = 40.823
100 = 45.359
The avoirdupois pound (abbreviation: lb) is a unit of mass used in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement, and is descended from the Roman libra (hence the common abbreviation - lb). The international pound (lb) is defined as 0.45359237 kilograms (exactly). The international pound is divided into 16 ounces. The international
pound (lb) is equal to 453.59237 grams.
Article on Wikipedia about lb: Pound, lb (mass)
Find other online calculators: Conversion Calculators Online
Read on Wikipedia about kg: Kilogram (kg)
Other pounds to kilograms calculators: Calculator lb to kg
Userful online kilograms to pounds calculators: Calculator kg to lb